Social Service League/NSS
Social Service and Caring for the Community :-
Understanding the importance of life skills education, Happy Days School gives the students exposure to our social environment, and tries to develop values in them. Happy Days School has adopted two villages and our students visit here on a regular basis. They help the villagers besides creating awareness amongst them on various social, health and sanitary issues. Students distribute clothes and blankets, conduct medical camps and take up projects to keep the villages clean, Students are also given chances to visit orphanages and old-age-homes and are sensitized towards the under privileged in our society.
The school has adopted two Sahariya tribal villages Kathmai and Binega and regularly holds medical camps in these villages. We have built a wall around the government school and water tanks, a kitchen and also done tree plantation. We have also provided teaching aids in the government school have helped to decorate the class- rooms, provided swings for the children.

Kathmai and Binega have a tribal population of Sehriyas who remain in the same condition that they were in fifty years ago. They face a multitude of problems from water scarcity, poor health care, lack of income generation opportunities, malnourishment. Happy Days School is trying to promote education amongst the Sahariya Adivasi tribal children.
NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME :-The national service scheme is an Indian government sponsored public service program conducted by the department of youth affairs and sports of the government of India
- To understand the community in which they work.
- To understand themselves in relation to their community. The community in which they work.
- To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process.
- To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
- To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems.
- To develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities.
- To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.
- To practice national integration and social harmony.
- To develop capacity to meet emergencies and participate in natural disasters activities conducted by the school.
- To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters.
- Construction of platform, road and water tanks at the villages.
- Construction of boundary wall and kitchen at village Binega with the help of HPL.
- Plantation at Binega, Bachhora, Chhoti Nohri, Badi Nohri, Manshapuran Mandir, Kathmai, Bacchora.
- Construction of soak pits at Bachhora.
- Cleaning of sewage line at bachhora and chhoti nohri.
- Construction of roads at chhoti nohri, badi nohri, Kathmai.
- Construction of boundary walls and toilets at village kathmai with Scindia school students.
- Whitewash at Vinega School, Kathmai School and anganwadi building of kathmai painting numbers, alphabets, fruits, animals etc at Vinega School and Kathmai School.
- Distribution of books, notebooks, stationary and uniforms, swings as well as mats to the students of vinega and Khatmai School.
- Distribution of clothes at vinega, bachhora, badi nohri.
- Distribution of blankets, socks, caps and sweaters at dhrampura village, kakra village at pohri, bachhora, badi nohri and kathmai.
- Medical camps, free checkup and distribution of medicines in the villages.
- Visit to malnutrition ward, old age home and orphanage to distribute blankets, clothes, undergarments, stationary, fruits and sweets.
- Organize various rallies on aids day, blood donation, drug abuse, Swach Bharat Abhiyan, environment protection, etc.
- Help in organising various events like Pulse Polio, Life Line Express, medical camp organized by Birla hospital at Manas Bhawan, Red Ribbon Express.
- Work at anganwadi with anganwadi workers and also organise literacy programme in various villages.
- Clean railway station and Badi Nohri under the Swach Bharat Abhiyan.
- Celebrated NSS Day, Sadbhawana Pakhwada, National Youth week, National Integration Day.
- Signature campaign on World Disability Day.
- Awareness campaign by organising nuked natak.
- Attended 75th Dandi Yatra organized by Yuvakbiradari.
- Counselling sessions- personality development, stress management, career counselling, adolescents problems, etiquette and manners, balanced diet, personal hygiene etc by various expert.
- Attended various camps at district level (Karera, Vanvidhalaya Shivpuri, Mahrishi Vidhalya Shivpuri), State Level Camp (Mau, Guna, Gwalior) National Level Camp (Orissa, Bengaluru, Ludhiana, Dharamshala, Chennai).
- Seven days special camp held every year for all round development of personality, Leadership, cooperation, time management etc through various activities rock climbing, trekking, team building games, self-defense programme for girls, first aid training, weapon training, slithering, rappling cleanliness programme at village, survey of village.